Saturday, December 17, 2005

Speaking Engagement

I'm excited to get the opportunity to fill the pulpit at the Church of the Brethren in Sheldon, IA on January 8th. This is the church that Amy grew up in and a church that we both were a part of through high school while we were dating. They are in between pastors right now and were needing some folks to fill in. I was happy to accept the invitation.

I'm looking forward to it for any number of reasons. First, they are great people and I'm looking forward to a reunion of sorts. It's a small country church where the people get the whole community thing. It helps that quite a few of them are related to each other, but when you are with them, you are family whether by blood or not.

I'm also looking forward to it because I really enjoy preparing and delivering a message and don't get to do it too often. The theme & title for the sermon, Lord willing, will be "Settling for the God We Know." It's an idea that I'm still fleshing out, but I am really excited about where it is heading. I think it's an idea that could be fleshed out into something much larger, but we'll focus on the sermon for now.

If anyone will happen to be in the area on January 8 at 9:30 am, feel free to drop by. More info about the church is at

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