After six hours of copying CD's to my computer, I tried transferring the songs to my iPod to no avail. I tried several things before calling on my good friend (and Mac guru) Kyle Hufford. Kyle gave me a few other tools to try (and a good chance to briefly catch up on what's new in life) and I restarted the update process as I left for work. I came back nine hours later only to have the iPod still stuck in the same spot as when I left it (which came as no surprise) and I began to troubleshoot some more.
After trying several things and praying a lot (such a stupid thing to pray about, but if it's important to me, it's important to God) we finally achieved some semblance of an update. I did only purchased music to start out figuring that if I got just a little bit on the iPod it would get us through the weekend and I could try again Tuesday. I was finally able to load on the six hours of earlier labor, plus other music that had been copied earlier. We seem to be fully functional now, but I'm glad I've got 30 days to return it, just in case.
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