Friday, December 30, 2005

Finally Joining the Digital Music Revolution

It's been a long time coming, but I finally picked up an iPod. It's not that I've been holding out waiting for the dust to settle on digital music formats so that I didn't get stuck with outdated technology and song files that didn't easily translate into whatever was next in line. It was simply a matter of money. I couldn't justify the expense and the more affordable players like the Shuffle didn't have enough storage for me to carry around as much music as I would want.

Christmas has been kind thus far and I was able to pick up a used, 20 GB, 4th generation iPod at Mac Pros for $179 with new earbuds, USB adaptor and a lime green skin. I also picked up an FM transmitter for in the van which we'll get to test out this weekend when we go to Mom and Dad's. I didn't get everything set up before work last night, so I'm frantically copying CD's today until I need to get ready for work.

On another, related note, I downloaded the new Delirious album (i.e. collection of songs, sort of like a photo album, not the big, vinyl discs formerly refered to as "albums") "The Mission Bell" and the David Crowder Band's "Turkish Delight" track from the compilation CD inspired by the Narnia movie from iTunes last night. I'll check out "Bell" at work tonight, but had to take "Turkish Delight" for a spin. It's a very infectious (in a good way) song with a decidedly 70's groove to it (especially in the guitars). Good stuff.

1 comment:

Tim Lehrian said...

I thought I might finally beat you to something in the music world! No such luck. I just downloaded The Mission Bell about 5 min. ago. It was what I chose with (most of) my $15 iTunes musics store card I got for Christmas. I will definitely be checking it out ASAP on my iPod...

Glad to hear you were finally able to get you rhands on an iPod! You'll love it!