Monday, September 19, 2005

Another quick update

Another five minutes left on the clock at the library. I'm getting our internet service set up at the house on Wednesday and should be able to start writing my usual, too long posts in the near future.

Yesterday my bike pump and one of my tires conspired to keep me from riding to church. I picked up a new pump today and hope to do my first commute to work this afternoon. The afternoon ride worries me a little since I don't know what traffic is like on the sections of road that I'll have to ride at that time of day. About half of the ride is trails, so that should be fun, but half is four lane with mid-afternoon traffic. I'll know more after I ride it once. The trip home shouldn't be bad. Leaving the job at midnight has some advantages. I'll stay off of the trails and ride well-lit roads all the way home, but traffic will be next to nothing.

Amy and the kids are still in Indiana. They get back on Thursday and then we can begin to adjust to life in SF. Can't wait. I'm enjoying it so far, but it will be better with them home.

Less than a minute. Better save. More later.

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