Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Kyle Lake's Death

I read on cnn.com this morning about the death of Kyle Lake who was the Pastor at University Baptist Church in Waco, TX where David Crowder is also on staff. At first I didn't realize who it was, but when it hit me that it was UBC, my jaw just dropped. We've heard stories of how this church was birthed and feel connected to it because of the artistic expression that has come out of it.

The full story that I read can be found at http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/10/31/pastor.electrocuted.ap/index.html, but the gist is that he was electrocuted during a baptism at the church on Sunday morning. He leaves behind a wife, a five year old and two three year olds. More info is available at www.ubcwaco.org.

It's one of those situations that absolutely escapes me. I can't see any purpose in it. I know that God is good, but events like this make you wonder what He's doing.

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