Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Thoughts about our trip

I wasn't sure how I was going to react to being back in Indiana over the last few weeks. At first it seemed like we had just returned from vacation, except for the fact that we did none of the normal, routine things and all of our stuff was in boxes. Camp sort of threw us off the scent as that's a week that is always a little different for us from the normal routine.

Looking back, I think it seemed like a bit of vacation in the midst of all of the nothing we've been doing in South Dakota this summer. When we arrived back in Marion, I felt weird and out of place. When we got back to Yankton the other day, it seemed like we were home again.

It certainly is not that we didn't enjoy the company the last few weeks in Indiana. We saw a lot of friends and only managed to eat three meals at the house all week, but it definitely felt like we were visitors even when we were surrounded by all of our own things.

We have started moving our stuff to South Dakota. We rented a 5'x8' trailer which Scott Hoeksema helped me load with over half of the possessions that we had already boxed up. We managed to bring things like clothing, books and kids' toys, you know, the important stuff. We still have some things to clear out, but without employment, we could go back almost any time that we want. Cash flow is becoming an issue though, so a job may need to happen before we can think of bringing anything else back.

Well, it's late, I'm tired and I'm beginning to wonder whether anything I've said makes sense, so I think I'll post this and then worry about editing it in the morning if it is just incoherent babble.

1 comment:

JGaroutte said...

Looks legible to me... Sounds like a good reminder that our "Homeland" isn't really here at all... Being on our own has been so strange for MY Amy and I--kause Home's still not really home, after a year, and our old homes jes aren't the same... Just imagine what it'll be like when we finally do arrive at our true destination!