Friday, August 26, 2005

Doing Better

Wow. I've received several emails from friends who've actually been reading what I've been writing. It's been a blessing to hear words of encouragement from people who know what we're going through and genuinely love us.

I am doing quite a bit better than the other day. I think the heart to heart that I had with God on the ride the other day helped me to deal a little more honestly with what's going on. The next day was still a bit depressing, but by Wednesday night I could tell that the winds were shifting. I haven't dealt with a depression like this in several years and was having a bit of trouble seeing where it would end. Thankfully, it has at least let up for awhile.

I spent the day yesterday in Sioux Falls where we nearly made an offer on a house before deciding that we need to get the financing in place before we get ourselves in trouble if our Indiana house doesn't sell for awhile. We're hoping for some movement on the house and have set up an open house on Sept. 11th which we're hoping will generate some interest.

The main reason I was in Sioux Falls was to take the Postal exam. I sat in a hotel convention room for about three hours with about 150 or so strangers ranging in age from probably 20-55 and representing a variety of social and ethnic groups. It was an interesting process. The test was easy (as far as I was concerned) and I'm not sure how I'll shake out in the screening, but we'll see. I also talked to a sporting goods store about working as a bike mechanic. They don't have anything full time right now, but have some part time positions. It might not be a bad thing for me to do if only for the employee discount. I've also got an interview at a well known retailer next Wednesday and hope to hear on a few other job leads next week as well.

I'm feeling less pressure on the job front, but am still hoping that something other than the position I've accepted will come through in the next week or so.

I've still got more to write about from the other day, but I'll save it for a time when there's a little more time to process through it.

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