I'm home from work, Amy and the kids are in Yankton, I may as well write.
Today was a great day. I woke at 10:05am to the realization that we were supposed to meet some friends from college between 10:30 and 11:00. Amy had forgotten totally, so we barely managed to make ourselves presentable and arrived right at 11:00. We hung out for the next few hours with Tom and Julie Green and Tom's sister, Debbie Green-Kuchta at Debbie's house on the west side of Sioux Falls. It was the first time any of us had seen each other since Tom and Julie's wedding in 1995!
We have traded some emails over the years and were able to fill in some of the details that often get missed in emails. Debbie's home was beautiful, Tom and Julie's kids were too and it was great to hear what they've been up to since we saw each other last. It was another opportunity to share stories of how God has worked in each of our lives since college. We are different people, but have more in common because of the brotherhood and sisterhood that we share in Christ than we ever have.
I'm also nearly done with my first week of work in my desk, doing what I'll be doing as long as I work at this place in this department. It's been okay with some good days and a few killer ones to boot. Tonight was great. We've been doing on the job training which means we get to ask a lot of questions. When one of our trainers came to me tonight, I actually got to tell him that I didn't need any help for the first time all week. I took a few more chances on getting things wrong, but figured since they are checking all of our stuff to make sure we get it right, I still have a bit of a safety net.
Since Amy and the kids are gone, I'm hoping to do a little recording tomorrow. Nothing new, just wanting to revisit and rework a few songs that I've written over the last few years with my new preamp recorder on the computer. I bought this thing in August and tested it out but haven't had a chance to actually work with it on anything real yet. I'm excited, but know that opportunities are going to be few and far between since Amy, the kids and our upstairs neighbor all need to be out of the house before I can actually record. That's a lot of conditions placed on a process that demands inspiration. Oh well.
U2 was on Conan O'Brien tonight, so I think I'll watch that, finish my Ludlum book and go to bed.
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