We've spent a lot of time in recent months trying to figure out exactly what we're supposed to be doing. I still believe that God called us to Sioux Falls and that He also called us to minister to artists, but I'm beginning to wonder if those were intended to be one calling (ministering to artists in Sioux Falls) or if they were two different things. We're beginning to get the impression that maybe Sioux Falls was not the final destination on this journey, but instead was a place that was meant as a point on the journey to something else.
Monday night Amy and I were asking each other "What are we doing here?" and we couldn't quite answer beyond the thought that God told us to move here. Wednesday night I saw an ad for a pair of church jobs in Lincoln, Nebraska that about knocked me over. A church of about 4000 people is looking for a Worship and Arts Pastor and an Associate Pastor of Music and Worship that, on reading the descriptions, sound like an ideal fit for the two of us. We went ahead and sent our resumes last night and are leaving the next step up to the Lord. I think we're both having a hard time not getting our hopes up. One thing we've learned this year is to hold all things loosely, but it is nice to be excited about something.
We could definitely use prayer for this. Prayers for discernment on our part and that of the church would be greatly appreciated. Prayers that God would move in the midst of this to reveal where our next step is. I have to admit that Nebraska has never sounded better than at this moment.
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