Friday, January 27, 2006

Small Team

We had a ton of people out again with VTO and other time off. Those that were here huddled together over in my neck of the woods since Sarah and I were both there. We even ordered Chinese food because Patricia wasn't around (she gets sick at the smell of Chinese).

There are four of us left to finish the night and I'm taking a late break before powering through the last 45 minutes of my shift.

I'm thinking more about something that I've thought of a lot this year, only with a little more definition. I'd been thinking about some kind of artist gathering where art and faith are discussed and artists are challenged and encouraged to create better art as a part of their expression of worship. A possible "creative collective" ministry may be in the works soon. I'll have to give it some more thought, bounce the idea off of some other people and see what develops.

Back to work...

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