Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Waiting Game

We were expecting to be gearing up for a trip to Nebraska to interview this weekend at a church, but the trip has been put on hold and we're waiting to hear about rescheduling for as early as July 8-9 weekend. The church realized after setting a date with us that they were going to be short a few staff members and wanted to reschedule for a time when everybody was going to be around (no small feat in the summer).

In the meantime, we're still looking at other possibilities both here in Sioux Falls and elsewhere. I've evened out a bit from hitting a low point about 10 days ago. It was one of those times where I just needed to hit bottom and purge emotionally. This year has definitely taken a toll physically and mentally and my self confidence has certainly been torn apart and reassembled a time or two.

I think that it's been a necessary process. No gifts or abilities (be what they may) that I have are an adequate substitute for the anointing of God. Perhaps my confidence at the end of our tenure at Hanfield needed to be stripped away so that I could learn to rely on God more and the gifts He gives less. I think there are more reasons for the last year than I could recognize in a lifetime, but my hope is that I will come out of the other side of this experience with a better understanding of who God is and who I am in Him as well.

In the meantime, we wait.

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