Friday, June 09, 2006

Pocket Guide to the Bible

I was fortunate enough to be selected to receive a free copy of the new book "Pocket Guide to the Bible" by Jason Boyett. The only prerequisite was a review of the book on my blog and on Amazon, regardless of whether I liked the book or not.

I did. One part scholarly introduction and one part satirical humor, it was a quick and often funny overview of some of the characters in the Bible, the books of the Bible, the development of some of our major translations of Scripture and other Bible potpourri included to amp up the humor factor. It's a good introductory look into some of these subjects for those not as familiar with them and an engaging, tongue-in-cheek look for those that know the people, stories and history well.

This book may make some a bit uncomfortable in spots as Boyett forays a little beyond the boundaries of good taste in including a few crass punchlines to his otherwise witty banter. But taken as a whole, these moments are few and shouldn't be used to judge the value of the entire book.

I would recommend this book as a nice diversion from the plethora of stuffy, scholarly overviews of these subjects that are available. I enjoyed it enough that I'm planning on checking out Boyett's "Pocket Guide to the Apocalypse" when I get the chance.

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