Sunday, December 17, 2006

Surprise Visit

I was at work the other night when I had a surprise visit from Patricia, my friend and former co-worker from Citibank (see previous post "Great Night At Work"). I hadn't seen her since this summer and she was actually a bit surprised to see that I was still working in the shop. Over the summer we were pursuing jobs in a number of different locations and it seemed like we might wind up leaving Sioux Falls, but God clearly closed every door along the way either by not offering us the job or telling us not to pursue it.

It was nice to catch up with Patricia a bit and I even had the opportunity to invite her to our new church. Mercy has pens that they encourage us to take and "lose" in order to spread the word about the church, so I had taken one to use in the shop until I was able to lose it. I gave it to Patricia in the hope that she might take me up on the invite and visit sometime.

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