Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Little Known Facts (Matt's Edition)

Several friends and my wife have posted similar items in the last week, so I thought I'd follow suit since I feel like I should be writing something but am creatively tapped out at the moment.

Things you may not have known about me...

A) Four jobs that I have had:
1. Fourth Trumpet- Greeley Philharmonic Orchestra
2. Substitute Trumpeter- Colorado Renaissance Festival
3. Adjunct Faculty, Church Music- Indiana Wesleyan University
4. Bike Shop Mechanic- current job

B) Four movies I would watch over and over:
The Lord of the Rings- has easily overtaken the place that Star Wars occupied in my affection and imagination prior to the clumsy prequels
Batman Begins- finally, a movie that captures the mood and intelligence of the Batman legend artfully
O Brother, Where Art Thou- great movie with glimpses of redemption everywhere
Pirates of the Caribbean- A movie that completely exceeded my expectations for a movie based on an outdated park ride

C) Four places I have lived
Fort Leonard Wood, MO- my birthplace
Iowa City, IA- too young to remember
Fort Dodge, IA- also too young to remember
Shawnee Mission, KS- finally old enough to remember

D) Four TV shows I love to watch:
Lost- hooked since "The Pilot"
My Name is Earl- a smartly written show about stupid people. I don't think it is on solid theological footing though.
The Office- a smartly written show about a mundane office environment. So painfully awkward, yet so glorious.
Arrested Development- The most intelligent comedy in the history of history. Stop arguing with me, I will not be swayed. No, I'm sure yours is funny too, but... Did you even see Arrested? No? So it's your fault Fox cancelled its most creative program. I don't think I want to talk to you anymore.

Four Books I've Enjoyed Lately:
"Velvet Elvis" by Rob Bell
"The Barbarian Way" by Erwin McManus
"The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien- I have a three-in-one edition and read it at least once every two years
"Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" by Mo Willems (as narrated by Xander)

E) Four places I have been on vacation:
New Orleans- Freshman year in high school with Scott Jacobson and his family. Beignets and lots of jazz. Good days.
New York- Honeymoon. Sleep in, late breakfast, sight see, grab lunch on the town, late afternoon nap, dinner, show, home to bed. Pretty fun for a couple of kids.
The cabin in Canada- several trips to Grandpa and Grandma's cabin over the years. Once with Scott, once with my uncle Bob, once with Amy. Peace, rest, nature and fishing. I could go for some of that about now.
The mud hut on Lake Superior- several trips to the 10'x12' shack on Mom and Dad's lakefront property. Peace, rest, nature and trekking across the rocky shoreline for hours on end. The spiders in the potty tent influenced me to take daily rides to the rest stop a few miles up the road, so not all memories have that pleasant, dreamlike quality.

F) Four websites I visit daily: my homepage and favorite source for all things cycling for all of my non-cycling, sports info needs
Get Fuzzy- one of several comics that I visit daily
Blog sites of friends and family (okay so I cheated for that one, but I couldn't just name one could I?)

G) Four of my favorite foods:
Whatever Amy is cooking next (she's fabulous)
Prime Rib
Anything from Bob's Cafe & Carry Out in Sioux Falls, SD- Small lunch counter establishment with all of the requisite grease, aromas and great food
Whatever Mom is cooking next time we visit (also fabulous)

H) Four places I would rather be right now:Â…
I think this is where I'm supposed to be right now, but four other places I wouldn't mind being are:
The aforementioned Canadian cabin. I could use some serious decompression somewhere where I could just exist for a week or so without having to do anything.
l'Alpe d'Huez (the most storied climb from the Tour de France) I will go grind my way up the climb on a bike anytime I get the opportunity.
Checking out artistic faith communities like Ecclesia or Solomon's Porch to feed the desire that I have to minister to artists. It would be nice to feel as though I was getting closer to fulfilling that dream.


JGaroutte said...

Sweet!... and Batman Begins--Well put!

Anonymous said...

You got me hooked on Arrested Development. I call it a cross between Seinfeld, The Office and Scrubs...with cameos from all three of those shows. Yes. Probably the funniest tv show ever. I never watched while it was one, but there are a lot of other shows I never watched either...that didn't deserve to be watched.