Xander is not a morning person. Xander gets rather cranky when you wake him up while it is still dark out and tell him to climb out of the warm, comforting womb of the bed and get dressed to go to school. One way that I combat that is to tell him jokes as soon as he's up. It's not much but his mood can hinge on the morning joke.
I need more jokes. Things of the "Why did the chicken cross the road?" and "What's black and white and red all over?" variety. While I continue to make jokes up on the fly, I'm finding it harder to play to the first grade audience and not go over his head. If you have jokes I could use, please leave a comment.
Google "elephant jokes". You'll bet more than enough material. Although you may need to edit some of them for the audience. They're mostly dry, which would probably fit you well.
My favorite is:
Q: How does an elephant get into an oak tree?
A: He sits on an acorn and waits 40 years.
Here's one from way back ('60's), also an elephant joke (wish I could remember them all again)
Q. How can you tell if there's an elephant in your refrigerator?
A. You can smell the peanut butter on his breath.
Oh, just remembered another elephant/frig joke Matt...
Q. How else can you tell if there's an elephant in your refrigerator?
A. If you see footprints in the jello.
Q: How do you get an elephant out of an oak tree?
A: Set him on a leaf and wait for Autumn.
I could go on...but I digress.
I like the last one Tim did!
Q. Why are elephant's feet flat?
A. From falling out of trees!
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