Friday, January 26, 2007

First Sales Meeting

The job change feels a bit more official after attending my first meeting for sales last night. I felt a little odd since I was running in a circle that I don't usually inhabit. I'm sure there was more than one person who saw me and wondered what I was doing there until they announced that I was moving out of the shop to manage bikes.

The big task of the evening was setting our individual sales goals for the year. Having no frame of reference, I relied on Bryan and Josiah to help me a great deal. Assuming everything goes well, I should have a much better idea of what to do next year, but I was pretty clueless last night. I based my figures off of a total goal for the year and then figured what percent of my sales were going to come from different months. Obviously, late spring and early summer should be good months for me in bikes, October will be a good month for me in youth cold weather coats and December should be strong with Christmas shopping.

It's still a bit surreal since I'm still putting in time in the shop, but the reality of the job change is slowly taking hold.

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