We're back in the mode of waiting to see where we'll wind up. An interview in Nebraska which was originally supposed to take place last weekend was rescheduled tentatively for this weekend, but is now on hold until August after a scheduling snafu. I touched base with my contact on Monday (still expecting to visit this weekend) and discovered that they rescheduled the weekend for later this month when we will be in Indiana for Impact Summit Camp. Apparently, they checked the schedules of the staff, search committee, elders and other key people, but forgot to check our schedule. Not the end of the world, but it continues to make us wonder where all of this is headed.
In the meantime, I have a three day weekend because I had signed off the time to go to Nebraska. I'm hoping to get a couple of decent rides in and visit another church here in Sioux Falls that I applied at. The position that they are looking to fill later this summer is for a part-time worship leader which would actually be a pretty good fit with my current job. They are a Missionary Alliance Church that was planted last year here in town with more of a postmodern bent. I mentioned that I was going to visit to Chip, our Pastor at New Hope, and that they were a postmodern congregation and he asked, "What does that mean?" I told him, "I'll know more after I visit."
The possibility of staying in Sioux Falls is an attractive one with family so near and some good friends. Amy also has contacted the University of Sioux Falls about teaching as adjunct faculty which looks like a fair possibility for this fall and we're preparing to enroll Xander in first grade after a year of home schooling. An outlet for Amy in her area of gifting and a place for Xander to make friends are both burdens for us and would make it much harder to leave. A ministry outlet for me that is more in line with my passion and gets us a little closer to artist ministry would just about seal it for us.
In the meantime, even more applications have been sent to Nebraska and Minnesota (not finding much in Iowa or South Dakota) and we're just sort of waiting to see what opens up. As I prayed the other day, I sensed God telling me that "patience" is still the word for us. He gave me a bit more this time though and said that we'd know it when we saw it. This is more direct than He's been of late with me and I am thankful to have that promise to hold to. We feel like we've been stumbling around in the darkness for awhile and it's nice to know that in the midst of refinement that the Word of God is still a lamp for our feet and a light for our path. I still sometimes wish that it was a floodlight to ten miles ahead, but knowing that there is enough light to take the next step is light enough.
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