Sunday, April 17, 2005

Telling the Church

Today was the day that we told the congregation about our move. Tim decided that rather than preach a sermon, we'd take extra time to talk about where we're headed, how we came to Hanfield in the first place and challenge the congregation to consider where God may be calling them to "jump." We followed that with an extended prayer time and testimony time. More tears, hugs and conversations than I can process right now. I'm experiencing so many different things right now that I seem to just be grabbing onto whatever emotion seems to be strongest and going with it.

It was an exhausting day, but a good one. I'm glad that everything is finally out in the open so that we can begin to prepare for the move. We'll probably see a realtor tomorrow and take it from there.

I'm hoping I'll have a little more to write this week. I just haven't had a lot of mental energy to do it. Emotionally, I'm drained. I'm hoping that after this initial wave of being overwhelmed, some energy will return. I'm really wanting to begin to assess what needs to be done at the church to get things ready to transition. That will probably be a big push this week, but I'll start worrying about that in the morning.

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