Saturday, September 18, 2004

Initial thoughts

Okay. The dream has been taking shape for some time. We looked at it a few years ago, abandoned it, saw it in a new light and are now pursuing it. It feels somewhat like the girl that had a crush on you in Jr. High that you weren't quite sure about so you passed her by. Now you see her in the full bloom of womanhood and can't stop thinking about her; how you'd be a different person for her, how she might change your life, where you might live, what you might do with her... Granted, we're talking about a community of Christians here, so it does look somewhat different, but I find myself immersed in thought about this new community, what it might look like, where it might be based out of, who it might impact and how it might impact me. I'm dreaming big dreams again. I'm finding a heart for my neighbors that has been buried for a long time. I'm seeing more as a pastor/shepherd responsible for the spiritual wellbeing of people than as a worship leader charged with creating a good experience for people. This is a huge shift for me.

I'm hoping over the next few years to keep track of ideas, prayers and dreams about this new community so that I don't forget where I've been on this transformational journey to the heart of God. Here we go...

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