Saturday, September 18, 2004

Community first

It is definitely clear to me that this satellite/sister church/extension ministry... needs to be less about what we do in the context of full congregation (Sunday morning/evening) and more about what we do between large group gatherings. How are people going to be engaged in community throughout the week? Where are they going to meet? How are they going to meet? What are they going to do? How do we provide them with the support they need? Just a few of the questions that come to mind.

My hope is that we will be able to allow groups to meet throughout the week in homes, restaurants, coffee houses, bars... throughout Marion and that each group will take on the character and identity of the people in it. My hope is that the relationships that are found in these groups are among the most important relationships that exist in the lives of those in the community. I'm hoping for an Acts church feel where, yes we gather for the larger community worship, but where we are sharing life together on a weekly basis in homes, sharing meals, learning about each other, caring for each other, giving ourselves to each other.

This is what the church needs to have at its foundation. We could have the greatest experience in the world in the worship gathering but only experience safe, surface level connection with those that we are with. My dream is that we would find a deeper, more dangerous community; the kind of community that makes you willing to risk your heart and share lavishly of your love as you encounter the hurt and brokeness of real people living real life in a real, fallen world.

Lord, give us a heart for authentic community with those that You bring to us. Begin now to stir the spirits of those that will be leaders in this community. Remove from them their hearts of stone and place in them hearts of flesh that can be broken for You and can be pierced by the things that pierce Your heart. Give them new dreams of changed lives and a deep desire to risk all for You. I am trusting You to raise these leaders up. Pour out Your Spirit on them and equip them for the road ahead. Amen

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