Monday, November 26, 2007

Post-Thanksgiving weekend and an unexpected conversation

I have officially survived my first post-Thanksgiving weekend in sales and I have to say that I expected a lot more. Friday was a busy day, but no more so than a hopping day in the middle of bike season for me, only I didn't get to sell as many bikes (or much else that is as much fun). Saturday was much slower and Sunday slower yet, so instead of reaping huge sales, I wound up spending the weekend thinking about how much I hate working weekends (which is pretty status quo).

Wednesday was probably my favorite day at work this week. I was fairly relaxed, knowing I'd have to spend most of the day prepping my shops for Friday's onslaught and had an unexpected visit from my friend Tory Larson. Tory and I worked at Citibank together, both with shared ministry background, growing interest in the emerging church and a hope that we'd be able to escape Citi soon. I escaped about four months before Tory and his family moved to Illinois.

We've traded a few messages in the last 18 months and it was great to get to carve some time out of the day to catch up a bit. I think Tory's experiencing a lot of what we've felt over the last three years in terms of a vague sense of calling, a search for meaningful ministry and the hope for purposeful vocation that feeds instead of drains us. I think I've at least found a place that I can grow from in balancing ministry and vocation. I'm praying that Tory will find his niche and that God will unlock the gifts he has and give him greater joy as he discovers what God has been preparing him for.

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