Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Church Merger Vote

We are about to set out into some territory that none of us has ever experienced before at Mercy Church. We have been in discussions for almost a year with Good Shepherd Community Church (where Mercy Church meets) about the possibility of merging the churches in an effort to enrich the ministries of both congregations. Good Shepherd is an older congregation, traditional in worship style and Mennonite by denomination. Mercy is a younger congregation (in terms of existence and average age), very progressive in worship style and a part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination.

We had our vote on Sunday and Mercy passed the merger with 83 percent of the vote while Good Shepherd passed it with 60 percent of the vote. There was some question as to whether a simple majority was enough at Good Shepherd or if they needed two thirds majority to pass, but after much discussion, consultation of the church's constitution and getting feedback from the moderator for the process, it was decided that simple majority was enough.

It was no surprise that the vote at Good Shepherd was that close. They own the land, have over 50 years of history as a congregation and will become the minority in this partnership. Giving up control and trusting a baby congregation to help you move forward into future ministry had to be a very difficult decision to wrestle through.

We will keep two distinctly different worship styles and become dually affiliated with both denominations. There are a lot of other things that we will need to work through, but we'll figure it out along the way. I will admit that it would have been easier and probably far less messy had the merger not passed, but as it has, I think we have a great opportunity to break down walls between communities, denominations and generations as we seek to serve together.

More on this to come as we forge ahead.

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