Monday, May 21, 2007

Race Across America Update

After week 1, our team is a little bit behind. Three of our four team members logged the maximum amount allowed, but our fourth member ran a marathon on Saturday and needed to focus on the requirements of that effort in order to have a successful race. Thankfully, the race regulations stipulate that he'll be able to make up the missed miles this week. He was only able to get 7 of his 125 last week which means he'll need 243 this week to keep us at the front of the race. It will be a hard week, but the dude's in shape. He just ran a marathon.

I'll be getting together with Jeffrey in the morning again to kick off week two and will aim for 40-50 miles in the morning before I go to work at noon. The weather is supposed to be less than ideal with a chance of storms and winds at 20+mph, so we'll see how well I do. I only have to do 125 a week, but that still takes a bit of planning with a full time job, a part time job and the fam, so I can't afford to miss too many opportunities. I won't start worrying about our team's chances until later this week.

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