Friday, March 02, 2007

Four Day Weekend

I got a call at about 11:00 this morning letting me know that the store was staying closed for the day. Added to yesterday's reprieve from meetings and the fact that I have the weekend off, I wound up with an unexpected four day weekend. I have to say that I'm enjoying it. I haven't had this kind of a break from work since doing camp last summer, which means I haven't actually had this long of a restfull break since last May.

Xander and I continued our Star Wars marathon today and I was struck by an odd thought. I grew up on the movies and had almost all of the toys (still have some of them). Xander has seen all of the movies, but probably knows more about Star Wars from his Lego Star Wars II Gameboy game.

Because of this, we come at the movies from different perspectives. I come from the linear, "This is the way it is in the movies and the way it will always be (at least until Lucas decides to do another alternate version of certain scenes)" view of the movies. Xander comes from the freeplay, any character in any scene doing anything perspective.

I actually envy him his perspective. If I played the game, it would probably be heavily influenced by the events of the movies. It would never occur to me to use a speeder bike to attack the Death Star. I mean, who does that? My son does. He thinks nothing of having bad guys fight each other in ways that I my nearly thirty years of conditioning will not allow me.

His experience of the movies is totally different than mine which has made it fun to experience the movies with him this weekend.

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