Monday, May 09, 2005

Prayerbook Project

I just got my copy of "Prayerbook, No. 1" by our friend Brian Moss and can't help but recommend it. Yeah, yeah, he's a friend so my objectivity could be questioned, but I don't recommend crap, ever. Brian is a great singer, songwriter, piano/keys player that we were fortunate to go to school with for a few years and is currently Director of Worship, Music and the Arts for John Knox Presbyterian Church in Seattle. Brian's style is hard to pin down (often a sign of originality in an artist) but leans toward keyboard based alt pop/rock. Lyrically, this project is based on the first 15 Psalms and Brian never disappoints in finding original expression with his texts.

If you're interested in finding out more about "Prayerbook, No.1" check out Brian's blog at

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