Saturday, November 09, 2013

Give to the Wind Your Fears

I've had a few requests recently for a song I wrote a few years ago that was inspired by the song "Give to the Winds Thy Fears" which I came across in an old hymn book I picked up about 10 years ago from 1898 called "Hymns that Have Helped." The hymnal contains text only which I've found helpful as I've been able to use a few of the hymns I was previously unfamiliar with to inspire new songs without having to untether the text from a familiar tune. Being able to approach them fresh allows me to set them to whatever meter and harmonic structure seems to fit best and allows me to edit any of the text that might feel a little dated.

I wrote this song over the course of a week or so with a good deal of writing and rewriting until I came to the conclusion that while it might be a decent song, it was never going to morph into something that would really resonate with a lot of people. While that could have been disheartening, I still felt as though it was a song that God could use to minister to people that are struggling and need a word of hope, peace and healing. With that in mind, I did a simple version of it here in 2009 which is where the recent requests have come from. In hindsight, I might simplify and shorten the intro and interludes, but I think it serves well enough as a reference for anyone that might want to use the song.

If the song resonates for you or if you'd like to use it with your church, feel free to copy and paste the lead sheet from here. I'd also love to hear from you if you do use it, so feel free to leave a comment and let me know how you used it and how it went over.


Give to the Wind Your Fears
Vs 1 by Paulus Gerhardt, translated by John Wesley
All other text by Matt Morrison

verse 1
Give to the wind your fears
hope and be not dismayed
God hears all your sighs and He counts your tears
and God will lift up your head
Through waves, through clouds, through storms
He gently clears the way
Wait for His time, so shall the night
soon end in glorious day
and God will lift up your head

          D                 A
When all is falling all around 
            G                                            A
He has promised to be near you and hold you closer
     D                         A
As He restores your broken heart
He is taking all that’s shattered
       A                          D                A      G      A
and making You more beautiful

verse 2
This river washes clean
and fills the thirsty soul
as grace overflows and sweet mercy rolls
God will lift up your head
As peace begins to rise
with sunlight’s warming glow
cast your fears aside and open your eyes
see you are never alone
and God will lift up your head

©2009 Paco Daddy Music/Matt Morrison